
Coppola is 85 and this is very likely his last film, which he financed himself and is currently having trouble finding a distributor.

You’re missing out for stupid reasons

An old Italian guy getting all kissy face is a more of an anachronism than a criminal act. But spinning it as trying to “establish the spirit of the scene” makes it a lot weirder.

can someone explain why there are SO many hatchet pieces on this movie already? is it just because it’s independently produced so they can just go knives out and not worry about blowback?

You’re right a kiss on the cheek is unacceptable.  We should probably cancel most of Europe while we are at it. 

You forgot Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, The Godfather II, and The Conversation. But sure, just point out the bad movies in his filmography as being representative of his entire career.

Why are people lining up to hate this movie?  

She’s also the only judge who have been giving these January 6 jagoffs any damn time. Everyone has been giving less than the prosecution asked for except for her. She’s not playing.

your comment is more than twice as long as the article.

You’ve clearly never done anything creative.

Thank you. Bad guys should be allowed to be bad guys. Unsympathetic, even.

Or she could have just not taken the role if she didn't like what was in the script. But considering modern directors lack the balls to boss their actors around, she probably knew she'd get to have her cornbread and eat it too.

I imagine POCs Sallah, Captain Katanga, and Short Round had only survived in order to play “the long con” and fake us all out, and kill *her* off in this 5th go-round.

Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Diversity!

Keep in mind this website is now written by college kids.

I don’t care. I really don’t care. I had enjoyed the Prequel Trilogy and the further development of the franchise too much to care about Gary Kurtz’s contribution to the Star Wars saga.

Kurtz wanted emotion, Lucas wanted toys

In Southeast Asia they actually use monkeys as free labor to fetch coconuts and to put on tiny circus shows called ‘monkey masquerades’. I wouldn’t have immediately associate the hadozee with black Americans and minstrel shows.