
I now imagine these documents having splotches of gravy and rings of red wine on them, now...

Maybe hire doubles of Fox anchors, and broadcast in Trump’s TV a special edition with the orders he should give.

Quite clarity. Much understand.

Lake Oroville is currently at 100.1% of capacity. They just increased the release through the main spillway to 113,000 cubic feet/sec, up from 100,000 cfs. The goal is to lower the lake level to below 100% so that water stops spilling over the aux spillway and engineers can get in there and assess the damage, in

You believe that all people who are either actual parents or potential parents should be subjected to involuntary mental health screenings? For what purpose? To sterilize them or take away their children? To force them to undergo involuntary court-ordered psychiatric treatment? Who would be in charge of implementing

So, this is why we don’t do this. Nothing you just said suggested that dentists are dangerous to others, only themselves, and only in a statistical sense. That’s a huge step into someone’s privacy and is easily abused. Queer people have higher suicide rates, and imagine if a Republican legislature got to decide who

I would think that most pilots and flight crew are expedited through any type of airport security. Imagine the additional costs and time it would take if every pilot or crew member had to pass some type of mental health check before every flight?

Thank goodness, for once, for Twitter.

That is true. Doesn’t apply to this story, but that is a true statement. Another true statement: people that comment without carefully reading the article look like idiots.

He used his wife’s phone for just one single ride while he was with her out somewhere and then logged off of his account. It actually isn’t his fault he was caught, it really was Uber’s app fucking up. Though I am glad he was caught, it wasn’t because he was dumb about it.

Stop. You don’t call someone an idiot because you failed to read properly then complain about tone just because you get called out on it.

Kraft singles FTW.

If you read closely, he didn’t. He used her phone for a normal ride. He then was using his own phone for the cheating and whatnot, but the software was sending notifications to both phones.


I totally believe that too. They can make billions, but every red cent will have to go back to the people.

I was surprised by the super bowl commercials. Many were just so in your face against the administration.

This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.

Something tells me these loons keep multiple Google alerts for these forums. I used to religiously read The Atlantic, and the people that I’d have conversations with over Atlantic articles were rational humans. If you look at their comment section though, it’s full of people that invade every gender article to say

I notice that you didn’t say that I CAN’T have sex with them, merely that I’m not supposed to, and that’s as clear a go ahead as I need.

Dropping that Kellyanne pic in there was cruel.