
If you genuinely want to see anyone that you don't see in your everyday life, you should go. But if you're just going because you feel like you'd be missing out then you shouldn't. Don't let what you think people you haven't seen in forever will say about you dictate your decision. I'm not at the 10 year mark yet but

I'm a white dude with grey eyes. I wish I had dark brown eyes.

For reeeeeal. This is the first time I've ever said "A+, Jessica Alba." Also, as someone whose very first "real" concert was The Jacksons (Victory Tour, '84, Cowboys Stadium), The Littlest MJ is KILLING ME, OMG.

anonymous commenter does not approve of your post...

that entire role existed to demonstrate how idiotic white people dressing up in blackface is.

I'm not changing my eye color unless I can get glowing Terminator red.

I refer to mine as poop brown too! *high five*

Of course he's controlling of her. No one likes an unruly beard.

I think you're taking it way more seriously than anyone you're responding to.

A formal letter of resignation, and maybe include an apology for not giving the standard two weeks notice if you think it will help in the future should you need them as a reference. But speaking from experience- a formal/professional letter is key or they could say later that they fired you for not showing up and

Looked like stretch marks to me.

"Sigh, I get older, he stays the same age. Come on Dad you're drunk."

Oh, all of my indignation is aimed at Gawker Media. OK. A little of it is aimed at a media student who clearly did so little work on this assignment.

People who think dressing boringly is ironic need to be punched in both the face and the kidneys.

Wait, isn't The Gap pretty much the definition of regular middle of the road separates anyway? Their campaign should have been 'Just Keep Doing What You're Doing, It's Cool."

I'm gonna watch her porn just to laugh at her existence

It's not really important, but I don't see where it says that she has a night-time babysitter.

I don't understand how it's amazing. I can do the same thing. Who gives a shit?

PLEASE stop using the word Twerk. You are not twerking. You are isolating a muscle. It's not the same, and it's further removing the term from it's true meaning. I realize the term is trendy and makes more people want to see what you are doing, which is no doubt amazing. But it's NOT twerking.
