
I appreciate your post. I’m right wing but am now at a point I don’t care for the Republican Party so much, but I’ve never been on Team Democrat Party, either.

You said: “suspicion of anything that requires nuance”

Your mother can be a Republican who doesn’t necessarily agree with 100% Republicans do or promote, though. I’ve been unhappy with the Republican Party for the last few years, but I’m not about to jump from the GOP to the Democratic Party, either.

Why does someone, if they are leaving the GOP, have to default to the Democrats? Can’t they be an Independent or a Libertarian?

@ Smedley Butler said, “But you have to figure who are these Republican women? Women who think their place is at home, cooking and cleaning.”

I’m a woman and a Republican since I was young. I did not agree with a lot of views I saw among liberals or Democrats when I was growing up. I still disagree with Democrats and liberals on some things now, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to see that they do have some good points on some subjects here or there.

@sybann. I am a woman and lifelong Republican. I have various reasons as to why I’m not as keen on the Republican Party now as I once was, some of the sexism by some of the Republicans being one reason.