jello felony

They don’t care. They aren’t trying to be consistent or avoid hypocrisy.

Even if it were real, that would just be an insanely ugly photograph from a post-processing perspective. I’m not sure why people think shit like that looks good.

The problem with your argument is that “independent contractor” actually has a legal definition, and Uber’s treatment of its drivers doesn’t adhere to said definition.

The problem is that if you let them set their own rate it will do the opposite and create a race to the bottom.

What a horrible take. This just sounds like a rehash of the “fast food jobs are explicitly for part-timers in high school, they don’t deserve a living wage!” Which is why, of course, fast food restaurants are open during school hours, right?

Uber and Lyft are just trying to hold on and not go completely bankrupt before fully automated cars are available and they can just fire all these pesky humans. It’s their only real hope for ever turning a profit.

If you wouldn’t do it to a fellow dude coworker, don’t do it to a lady coworker.

If you’re instincts are going to fail you, just don’t even bother with the risk.

In the case of PC stores, there are far fewer barriers involved in exclusivity on one store or another, so I find the level of anger over the Epic Game Store startling.

I think you have to understand that the ‘90s was a period where people (particularly Gen-Xers) thumbed their noses at materialism and corporate culture. This ad is a case of a corporation attempting to cash in on the sentiment.

Why does surprising-ness always have to be the benchmark for whether something matters or not? No, we aren’t surprised at the levels of cynicism to which corporations will stoop. And yet, this is still blatant, faux-woke pandering that’s designed to offer “we truly understand you” as bait, whilst switching it out with

In what world do you imagine that Ryan Adams ever had the influence to prevent Mandy Moore from having a music career?

That is the most twisted interpretation one could possibly have here. I’m sorry that you can’t see why.

The DARQ developer’s story is exactly why Epic is so fucking shitty. They literally will not let a small developer release on their platform unless said developer makes it an exclusive release. How is that indie-friendly? How is it customer-friendly? They should let developers choose to either take extra money and

Oh God, just stop. There is nothing more obnoxious than pretending that all conversation about the shitty direction the games marketplace is heading / has been headed must stop whenever a dev mentions that they face harassment online. If they can’t handle online people acting like online people, in the same fucking

Is it really a moral high ground when there is nothing moral about the stance? Like it’s not the 1950's, I think most people realize porn is a normal thing and that sex sells and have become comfortable in that reality.

Can stupid people stop naming video games?

I can’t believe you’re actually trying to make this case. Bush lied to the entire country, and to the entire international community, in service to fomenting a fucking boundless war that is still being fought nearly 20 years later. And you’re sitting here talking about the damage Trump did to our government? Like,

Remember when we thought Dubya occasionally stumbling through obviously-half-assembly-rehearsed folksy maxims and pronouncing “nucluyar” was was the height of presidential embarrassment?

It isn’t crazy to think that maybe that this wasn’t anything more nefarious than a suicide.