jello felony

“Media” includes the things where people learn who Russell Westbrook is in the first place. Like ESPN, or the local paper, or the local TV station, or SI. It includes the actual broadcasts of the games.

There is no amount of explaining that makes someone being “too prepared” to be the goddamn president negative.

A commenter on Splinter calling out your traditionally sexist double-standard logic is not the same as her campaign trying to guilt people into liking her.

It’s stunning how Warren can talk about how she’ll pay for one of her plans with a 2% tax on the ultra-wealthy, and people are like “So much detail!” But when Sanders talks about how he’ll pay for something with a market speculation tax (and has been doing so since 2016), he’s somehow nothing but a shouting head

Yes, it strikes me as a sign of desperation for Warren to rely so heavily on a scatter-fire of issue papers this early in the campaign to increase her numbers. I like her, but it really seems like each one is designed to be put up on the fridge and shown to the neighbors when they come over for dinner. Issues are

Yeah, I mean, my whole thing is like, if you’ve been able to pay off your loans, mazel tov to you! That’s no excuse to let people currently saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in debt be stuck in the same position you were until you got paid off. We have to look at the big picture of what this would mean for our

I think Warren’s attempt to appear to be the most “issue-based” candidate in freaking April 2019 is both admirable and illustrative of her rather desperate position in the current pack. It seems like the narrative her team is trying to spin is, “Where’s everyone else on X? We’ve got a plan for that!” It’s like, whoa,

Jesus Christ, I cannot fucking stand it when companies use the term “associates” when they really mean “employees.” It’s so obvious that they’re trying to use language to distance themselves from the responsibilities implied by an employer/employee relationship.

They aren’t going to care if he broke the law. If he isn’t removed by this process, then it will be a success for him.

This is the problem. Trump isn’t an ordinary political figure. I’m not sure why people haven’t gotten this by now, since it has been drilled into our heads for years now. An ordinary politician would be ruined by 5% of the shit Trump has said/done, because they would invariably fuck up by displaying some amount of

There’s just not enough time and I think the Dem’s energy is better spent giving him death by a thousand cuts: exposing his financial crimes and taking down his associates will better our chances of winning in 2020.

It’s also no great surprise he’s living there after buying it for her, considering that she’s like a school nurse or something. The guy comes from a blue collar background, and while he’s certainly got money, is not fantastically wealthy among celebrities. This probably still qualifies as a huge purchase for him.

and again this isn’t about what is right or just, but what is practical and realistic, The fact that Bernie is not heading into this this headlong shows that it’s not a simple issue that is a clear yes or no

I’m not sure Warren has thought a whole lot about strategy, though. What does she get out of calling for impeachment? She is already on the right track with all of the policy proposals she’s releasing (almost to the point of oversaturating, if I’m being honest), and it seems to me that turning impeachment into a thing

It’s a matter of policy. Howard maintains an open campus and there’s no restriction on walking dogs there. Doesn’t mean students have to like it, but the reality is that Howard - along with other private universities like Georgetown and American - allows people from the surrounding areas to walk on campus as they

Not a fan of the ducktail on the rear. It strikes me as taking the aggression just past the point of tastefulness. But overall, the look is pretty good.

And this is the crucial difference between Steam and the Epic Store: games like Forager (or Stardew Valley, or Undertale, or ...) can come entirely out of nowhere and turn into surprise hits. Nobody at Valve handpicked Forager to be a success. And crucially, nobody at Valve is tapping the dev on the shoulder and

Hate to break it to you, but men in those countries are pathetic losers who expect women to be a mommy replacement to them because they never learnedto take care of themselves.

The company just doubled in size recently, is doing super-well in terms of expansion and research goals, and our CEO makes like less than $2 million a year. Yeah, in abstract terms that ain’t chump change, but relative to other CEOs in the industry, it’s nothing. I’m not a company man by any means, and I’ve always

Nah - you can kill or maim someone with your car as surely as a disease can do it to you.