
That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.

This game would be the only reason for me to buy a PS4, loved the first Neir!!!!


I was about to release Dark Cloud 3, but then Jason delayed it.

Where the hell is dark cloud 3 Totilo? You owe us.

Partner went to *every* medical appointment. Doctors all thought and said he was wonderful and so involved! As he was a medical professional too, they thought he was a real swell guy for making my appointments a priority.

Oh my god.

Glad to know where in the world Carmen Sandiego is.

Final Fantasy XIII: 

Managing Editor Nancy Gibbs wrote that for some, Trump’s victory “represents a long-overdue rebuke to an entrenched and arrogant governing class;”

I’m really loving FF15 for the same reason I...don’t kill me...I’ve thought of FF X-2 is my favorite FF. It’s just a fun ride. It doesn’t feel weighed down by it’s narrative or underlying message. It’s a group of enjoyable people going on a great trip partnered with great gameplay mechanics.

My brood shall only refer to me by my title, Progenitor. I would not want them to forget that they sprung from my ample and generous genitals.

The cool thing to do around here is hate on Gaga. I’m so over it.

pretty sure that’s done in a custom game with CDR enabled.

This is all good, but part of me is worried; in the right hands even old Symmetra was a BEAST

Favorite character getting some love. <3

I agree. Both sides appear to have a latte on their mind. They should be allowed to espresso their feelings by any beans necessary.

Awww, that’s adorable! Congratulations to the new... power couple!

Yeah, but is it ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS? You fascists and your hatred of Mother Gaia disgust me. What’s another $180 when it will literally save the entire PLANET? /s

Yeah, but is it ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS? You fascists and your hatred of Mother Gaia disgust me. What’s another