
The landmass there looks like its straight from “”.

i would pay real human dollars to witness this

Feel strongly that in a video game themed gala she’d go as Ivy from Soul Calibur in her George Washington costume

It’s hard to say but Melissa Rosenberg, the showrunner/creator, found a new job while working on JJ S3 and after the cancellations of Iron Fist and Luke Cage, the writing on the wall might have been clear. So there’s a chance we’ll get some kind of finale if only out of Rosenberg wanting to put a cap on her run.

First “Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23,” now “Jessica Jones.” Both were fantastic.

A little after the 90s, but still one of my favorite memories was playing Dark Cloud 2. It’s such a big game with so many different things to do (dungeon crawling, sim city esque world-building, fish breeding, fish racing, “golf”), I would just play for hours doing different things. But the most memorable portion

it can be both!

POP is a bit formulaic , and you may not be a fan, but objectively she’s competent at everything she does. She’s simply a rare talent that’s hard to find these days.

Lady Gaga for live action Bayonetta

He really is... all that.

Aren’t we all a little gay and also puppets?


Oh man, the Dark Cloud games were so fun. I still dust them off and play them at least once a year. The town building and weapon customization was phenomenal and, in my opinion, still hold up to this day.

They could release a PS5 tomorrow at $1000 with Dark Cloud 3 as the lead game, and I would buy it.

::Inner Dark Cloud Player Intensifies::

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

Two words: Mystery Heroes.

I loved that moment in the documentary because you see three different experiences of grief, across three generations. Her grandmother seems to have come to terms with Joanne’s death, perhaps because in her old age, as a Catholic, she feels like she is close to seeing Joanne again, and she seems somewhat surprised by

That was a beautiful version of the song. I wish it was included on the album!

I love it when musicians can make me dance and also cry.