
Except for the 'scrabbling' part. Unless you and the author are stating that they are playing Scrabble. I'm guessing that 'scrambling' is the intended word of choice.

Basically came here to say the same thing and link to the Dan Osman page. []

Basically came here to say the same thing and link to the Dan Osman page. []

"We were all on vacation at ze time!!"

Shhhhh!!! Don't spoil the surprise.

I concur via this observation: None of my friends (with or without families) go to the movies on a whim anymore due to the cost. There is no "lets go see if this is good or not" discussions. The only movies that we go to or take the kids to are the big titles or kid specific movies. I don't even sneak out of work

Kickstarter anyone?

In the article it's spelled 'phone'.

I picked up a 32Gb USB 3.0 drive a few months back prior to having a system with USB 3.0. Even on older 2.0 systems the drive is very fast. The speed of the 2.0 socket is now close to maxed out and the speed on a 3.0 socket is really nice. Using it for a USB bootable drive is very nice. Booting Backtrack on the

I share(d) your pain many, many moons ago. My job had me programming tools in the fab and the tedium of gowning and cleaning my gear (laptop and various tools) each time was a huge PIA. Since only part of my job was in the fab I didn't have the luxury of just leaving the stuff in there. That being said, it did turn

iPhone + IMDB = ZOMG! Its lupus!!!

All I could think about when watching that was driving around on the Bonneville Salt Flats many years ago was a complete blast. Set the cruse at 75 and take hands off the wheel for a loooooong time just to see where you would go. Then getting to the gas station and power washing the 2 inches of salt out of the wheel

Why not both? [] Just kidding tho, this would have to be a distant third to the Mustang and the P-38.

Only if they make the contestants use them in some sort of modified action shoot like 3-gun or a hot house. Just using the guns would be nice but watching someone try to figure out how to shoot around a corner with one, sweep a room or breach a door with a shotgun equivalent would be priceless.

I'm sure the marketing group's first choice was "iGorilla X-Glass 2.0 beta 'Cloud ready'" so I'm OK with Gorilla Glass 2.

I'm left wondering what "Konami" means in ancient Hebrew/Arabic/Whatever-the-relevant-language-is.

Seriously? Comments about aliens, cloaking devices and/or space ships. Not one crude comment about mass ejections? Not even wordplay like Colosal Mass Erection? Not enough coffee today Giz readers? I'm not completely disappointed, just a little concerned.

I as thinking the same thing except I was picturing Vana with a step ladder. Place the step ladder, climb up, change one letter, climb down. Move to next letter. Repeat. In heels.

Close enough! Lets all drink the seasonal Jebus Juice and sing the traditional songs of the season as first brought to us by those minstrels of the cantina.

I think just re-found religion as a justification to get this.