
All that came to mind was the maple syrup chug scene in Super Troopers. "Don't forget to cup the balls... "

"Liquid graphite" OK, can I use this as a less messy alternative to graphite powder as a dry lubricant?

@Svirfneblin: Any lab or research organization should have a documentation practice that prohibits altering or modification of notebooks used in the development or production environment. It helps keep things honest. It’s also the number one reason I hated chemistry in college and mock my friends in the field now.

@l4crosse: I'm on a bridge AND a boat. Soon to be AND a horse.

I think we have a new definition for "A solution in search of a problem".

@iMattv4: Just freaking great. Now that is stuck in my head and I'm gonna laugh a little every time I hear the word. Then my wife is going to ask me whats so funny and I'm going to unsuccesfuly try and explain it to her and she's just going to roll her eyes and start secretly medicating my breakfast cereal.

@mr_mr:Lots of manufacturers have had their products in this category. Products that have issues (some cosmetic, some functional, some value) that fans of them are going to ignore or defend to the end.

@Kaiser-Machead: In support of your cursing, I refused to click the link.

@TangoTL: Well, when you put it like that ... the suffering of oppressed people laboring over the toys of others does seem to be the more uplifting story. It is Friday after all.

@redman042: ... "AND get laid on a regular basis." Apparently you missed the fact that this is his wedding.