
Charlie Catches a Leprechaun is one of my all time favorites.

I think it was Martin Lawrence and Rob Thomas.

Absolutely, no question. The season premiere was one of the worst of the entire series. The rest of the season has been pretty good overall.

When they made Mac agree to sign the contract, I was positive that the ticket was one of those joke tickets that always win, and that the whole thing was going to be an elaborate scheme to get Mac to go on record once and for all as gay.

I agree. The musical might be my all time least favorite episode. The last 2, though, have been great.

"Hot Steppa" in that moment might be in my top 3 IASIP song choices of all time. "Pretty Woman" as they drag a dead crack whore into the hallway is #1, and then "Lady" by Styx at the closing credits of the Dennis/Sex Offender episode.

I guess if you really wanted to know, you could always try an attachment from the vacuum cleaner. Report back to us. A couple of easels and some poster board would be just fine.

Exactly. It had nothing to with being a thief. Dennis said so himself. It was about lying, manipulating, and using others to get what he wants, and by doing so to their faces allows him to feel that much more superior. The objects he obtains are more important as trophies than actual financial or material gain.

It reminded me more of the ending of The Illusionist (with Edward Norton). As Paul Giamatti began to put all the pieces together (with the flashbacks in his mind) and realized/admired how Ed Norton pulled off the whole charade/con.

Great episode. I'm going to forever consider this as the season 12 opener and try to forget that the disaster from last week ever existed. We're back on track.