Sharaz Jek


So if true ,its clear this is going to be another disaster.

im kind of honestly surprised tbh. figured it would be quietly canned or something. its survived DC Universe, HBOMax, and now Max.

Hence my point - if you’re going to disallow one of those, then you damn better sure engage the other one.

Companies can sell stock into the open market at pretty much anytime they want. Just as long as they have a “ATM offering” on the books, which pretty much all of them do.

There’s only two mechanisms to control this sort of behavior - governmental oversight or worker strikes. There could be others, but those are the only two that have worked in US history. The market doesn’t allow a decent mechanism to correct this behavior, even though the theory says it should.

The Chris Pratt roles will continue until morale improves.

Zaslav really is determined to burn the whole thing down. 

Reagan was the political support to Jack Welch who really pioneered that style of business practice. 

TV: This week’s episode: Dalek.

I guess that’s true. IIRC, if you didn’t know the title of the episode was “Dalek” I think the Dalek in there was a surprise.

100% about the tax break. The theatrical or nothing has nothing to do with it, outside of the fact that this film clearly isn’t quality enough to cary a theatrical run. If it was the ZAS would have sent it out there. It would have at least netted him one more release party to throw for his Hollywood bros.

Very thorough list, James! Well done. It is missing The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot from the 50th.

This guy is an ass and hasn’t done anything worthwhile since Netscape. 

That blows chunks. I’ve been here since Erin Gloria Ryan was still working finance (in Chicago?) and she was commenting on the sly as “Morning Gloria”.

He is in the top two that I would not call for a wellness check for a very very long time. Like hope they are room temperature time. 

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve been around these parts but with the shut down of Jezebel and the ever looming threat of Jalopnik disappearing, I wanted to recommend that everyone come join us at The Drive or Autopian. They both represent the best of what Jalopnik used to be, 10+ years ago, a far cry from it’s

The actors strike ends (pending a vote) and Jez gets shut down for good. Thanks for the memories Jez.

As the one who suggested it, I almost exclusively see heads of full silver (or thinning) hair popping out the tops of these things.

I have had the opposite experience.  On both coasts any actual owners I have met have been 70+, and most have been their first open air vehicle.  I do see youngins in tourist areas that have them as rentals, but owners have always been older.