Sharaz Jek

AM radio has a naturally longer reach than FM signals. In some remote and mountainous parts of the country it is likely that FM is limited while AM has better reach.  The idea behind wanting to keep AM is to maximize the reach of emergency broadcasts.

It’s all fun and games until the captain asks the kid if they happen to like movies about gladiators.

A fully competitive environment would have more players to name within it.  Our environment now allows for a lot more tacit and backroom deals to screw customers.  Duopolies and oligopolies are end stage capitalism environments. 

I tune in when the signs are flashing.

My experience has changed last time I did a scan.

Or how he can catch people in the air and/or at super speed and not snap them in half.

I listen to AM sports talk radio. Hard to understand why that makes me a bigot

What I can’t figure out is this.  What 10 and 12 year olds in the Western World don’t have cell phones?

I’m old enough to remember the polling that showed there would be a red wave ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Made a couple transatlantic flights as an unaccompanied minor in the 70's. Staff just gave me a shot of whiskey and a pack of Pall Malls and I was good. Man, kids these days.

“ ‘Tell me about why should I do your movie.’” This apparently did not go over well in the room. “They were like, ‘Fuck you,’ And I was like, ‘Right on.’”

Excellent question. I am an older GenX-er, I hope that I never drive anything made in the 50s-80s ever again. They were horrid and have only negative nostalgia for me. Prices may fall eventually.

Covered up in the garage 360 days out of the year is their pride and joy, which is one of only 547 built on a Tuesday in the middle of August by a man named One-Eyed George and one of ONLY 219 with these EXACT options. It was appraised by Racist Bob Collector Car Appraisals 5 years ago at $375,000 and they will never

Wait, so you think the silver bullet to this case is to explain that her not wanting to be alone with Aaron Eckhart and her not wanting to sign a contract without guarantees she won’t have to be alone with Aaron Eckhart is costing the people who won’t guarantee she won’t have to be alone with Aaron Eckhart money?

Confused what the “inside a simulation but doesn’t realize it” (which is what the ship in a bottle element of the Star Trek episode is about) has to do with anything regarding the upcoming expansions or story...or even the game itself?

Yep, that’s all stuff I missed. I appreciate the summation!

Oh boy! Been a long time since I had a good old fashion Warcraft Lore Argument!

Hey, at least we know they have all three parts of the story mapped out, which is an absolute step up from the sequel trilogy.

Weird that you would announce your next 3 Marvel phases at the same time and knowing Secret Wars is coming in 3 years.  That’s like announcing the story of all three Lord of the Rings films at the same time.

To Thrall! The cause of, and solution to, all of Azeroth’s problems!”