Sharaz Jek

If I wasn’t renting. . .

In the mid-80s my parents acquired a ‘68 LaSabre sedan with ~45k miles on it that had literally only been driven by two little old ladies, sisters who were family friends and could no longer drive. Their garage was barely wide enough for the car, and one of them absolutely could not get it in or out. The other was

Dafuq? One uses soulless turds like Camrys and Civics for winter beaters, cars like this one CRUISES. Get it?

Learn how to actually “drive” and you’ll find that parking ANYTHING is quite easy. Now get off my lawn.

Not to be outdone, Hewlett-Packard is eyeing Pontiac.

The new Mac is different than I thought it’d be.

man with some primo and very subtle upgrades that car is perfect for actual driving. in the afternoon or late mornings between rush hours.

Dude, that’s a ‘68 Buick, with a bench front seat. You can put four people in front with no problem. Each of the four will have more hip room than someone in one of today’s economy class airline seats. The top mechanism does take away from rear seat hip room, so you might only fit three people in the back. Still,

Cruising around with the top down and the back seat footwells full of ice, beer and one bottle of Wild Turkey. In a perfect world...

Yeah, either they’re using an older camera and didn’t properly deinterlace the footage, or they forced deinterlacing on progressive footage (more likely since this is probably off a phone).

Their fathers never told them that they love them.

1. Buy

It’s a 6000 buck classic party barge in good shape. Who the hell voted crackpipe and what is wrong with them?

I’ve got a soft spot for these old boats. NP all day

I’m almost certainly going to lose on the last two, and possibly the first two. I am basically hoping for a smaller ‘Toyota Corvette’.

“New Supra can’t be new Supra because old Supra.”

Interlaced? What is this, 1999?

Got paid 10's of millions of dollars for being an incompetent qb.

Let’s remember some Bears!

The Bears are the Bills with less fun tailgating.