Sharaz Jek

“I asked them, was my truck even driveable? Was it worth me even coming to get it? ‘Cause you think when your car gets stolen, it’s crashed up, damaged, you can’t drive it. So, they were like, ‘Well, we’ll talk to you when you get here with the $463.”

OK I need to hear this.

Chibnall already retcon’d the shit out of Moffat - that’s where the whole Timeless Child bullshit came in, as part of his long range and successful attempt to re-destroy the Time Lords after Moffat slowly, carefully, and gently (unusual for Moffat!) revived them.

There’s a difference between adding/modifying the lore down the road for storytelling purposes, and immediately undoing something the previous showrunner did because fans don’t like it.

I just don’t see the need for a CD player in this day and age. The sound quality is no where close to vinyl.

No way he retcons any of that. He’s actually on record saying he won’t do it. Which is as it should be. I am overall not crazy with the TC stuff (though I do kind of like the idea of pre-Hartnell Doctors, and I love validating the Brain of Morbius Doctors lol), but if showrunners start retconning each other, the show

Underrated comment.  Take my star.

Fortunately it’ll also come with a new recon.  But all of the Who animations of missing episodes have been very very low budget.  This CG animation may work for stories that would’ve been difficult with the other style.

Yep, that’s the general consensus is that it’s a combination of (A) execs traveling to offices only to find them empty (so no big crowd to feed their ego), and (B) quiet layoffs.

Besides, it was my understanding that the super smart capitalists were all leaving the “People’s Republic of California” due to oppressive taxation or something like that.

I don’t believe any movie should be buried and gone forever. Even if the movie is bad, it still deserves to be preserved for movie history.

3rd hear: my employer (a very large company) is doing the same bullshit. Worse, they are assigning us to an office, regardless of whether that creates an insane commute or not. (One co-worker has a 2-hr commute each way.) The offices, meanwhile, aren’t ready for this, so we are crammed into small spaces with stained

Oh that would be outstanding.

Agreed.  Sooner or later Doctor Who has to break away from the “anniversary means multiple Doctors etc.” formula.

My thought exactly.

Delenn would be proud.

Oh I definitely agree! The bad editing was not connected to Whedon’s shittiness lol.

Still no reason for Whedon to throw Berry under the bus.

Or, since most of us don’t go check logos and websites just to confirm who the source is, maybe always just add the location.  There are so many ABC7's it just makes sense.

Are you me?