Sharaz Jek

HAH! I remember that one.  I was a big fan of Zot! too.

Oh man, that’s totally awesome. We need a Fred Hembeck (or Sergio Aragonés) cameo.

Hilariously, Joss Whedon (who wrote the line) blames Halle Berry’s delivery.

Oh go away.

For me it would be the Ford Fairmont, specifically the 1978 with the 6 cylinder.

That’s because Republicans used to know how to be evil but pretend to care. W literally ran on “compassionate conservatism.”

You and me both!  It’s far better than it has any right to be.

is home to all the new Star Trek series, like Discovery and Strange New Worlds

LMFAO with you on that one.

There were lots of ways to skin that cat, though; in fact, it had already happened once in Matt Smith’s final episode.


Plus political ads for the National Bocialist party.

I would love to see this in a short minisode; not sure it’d sustain a full length one, but for 5-10 minutes it would be hilarious.

And you’re a name-calling imbecilic troll. Bye.

I don’t take amphetamines. Any more brain-dead takes?

Good for you. Did you know it can be seen on brain scans?

Yep; only on Disney+.

To be clear, I’m not saying he deserves no credit, but he’s talked about as if he was solely responsible for everything good about them, despite having relatively few credits as a writer or director on either show, and fewer still that he doesn’t share with someone else.

I get what you’re saying, and I don’t know that I’m smart enough or knowledgeable enough to get into the weeds on this.

This is the correct answer.  If I had fuck-it money, I would totally build one.