Sharaz Jek

It also makes sequels tricky.  Like, where do you go after you’ve done Galactus?

Some genuine entries in this, but a lot of these are just Jalops being judgmental assholes.

Leaking a test video does not equal leaking an entire, finished motion picture.

I guess that’s true. IIRC, if you didn’t know the title of the episode was “Dalek” I think the Dalek in there was a surprise.

I mean, in fairness, how often do the Daleks show up surprisingly? Army of Ghosts is the only example I can think of, and that definitely felt like an Oh Shit moment to me.

Well I think a lot of that is part of the larger discussion of corporate taxation, which needs to be changed drastically so corporations pay their share of the tax burden.

I don’t disagree; I just don’t think making it public domain is the answer.

I also might’ve added a mention of the aborted Lost in the Dark Dimension project, but that’s barely worth bringing up I suppose.

Because all of those costs can be written off as tax losses, and they’re clearly projecting that tax break is more than they think they’d make otherwise.

This isn’t going to happen.  Whoever does it would face serious shit, and yeah, they’re gonna get caught.

Yep. This is all about the tax write off being more financially advantageous than releasing it.

It’s all about $$$.

You want a movie full of copyrighted and trademarked characters to get released as public domain?  How would that even work?  Also, literally nothing else that can be written off has any kind of conditions like that.

In fairness, that’s a pretty low bar.

Lexus owner (older GenX), can confirm. What I found especially hilarious:

That is indeed disgusting.

Yeah I hate Outlook, just in terms of usability/etc.  I only use it at work because I have no choice.  For personal use though, have you considered Thunderbird?  It’s been a while since I used it but I remember it being pretty solid.

Daily user of Outlook here for...over 20 years, shit. Are you talking about using a browser, or the Outlook application? Because I have not seen what you’re describing.

Really it started changing around the time of Reagan.

Tell me you don’t drive a lot in rural areas without telling me.  There are TONS of places where cell coverage is either spotty or nonexistent.