Sharaz Jek

Dems know better.  They don’t need to do anything to keep the GOP in disarray, because the GOP are doing fine all on their own.

Because I can’t see any reason for the use of the word, unless you define “wild” as “different from myself.”  What makes it wild?

I don’t disagree at all, but that 10% generally doesn’t seem to understand that not everyone is like them.

Yeah, what’s actually wild is the way some folks can’t understand that different people have different tastes in media.  For me personally, I get more use out of Max than I do D+.

Yeah.  For that matter, every time streaming services do something people don’t like (justifiably or otherwise), people start yo-ho-ho’ing in the comments.  And while there certainly is plenty of piracy, well over 90% of consumers are not going to bother.

Intuit is so loathsome. Just look at their statement. Like, how do you say such unmitigated bullshit with a straight face?

Came to say the same!

His timeline is so gross.  Check out the post where he mentions his estranged son dying and blames it on the vaccine.  The tone is very I-told-you-so.

You do have to wonder how many looked at it, knew what it was, but didn’t say anything because they didn’t want to admit they knew what it was.

Japanese society can be weirdly prudish sometimes. Back in the 90's I worked for a biotech company that partnered with Eisai (Japanese pharma co).  We had a promising drug candidate for HPV, but Eisai was uninterested because, as our CEO put it, “Apparently the Japanese do not get STDs.”

Shitty take, bro.

I would totally bang, say, Boebert, but boy would it be an angry bang.

Definitely passengers on the B spaceship along with the stylists and telephone sanitizers.

She still won’t suck you off.

I’m pretty sure whenever someone makes an accusation of fraudulent behavior, the “show your math” types come out. And to be honest, if you’d framed it as an issue with their methodology, you likely would’ve gotten a different reaction. But you said they were bought and paid for by certain OEMs (something you haven’t

I’m sure.  But really, how can you expect any other reaction?  Why would you even bring it up if you can’t substantiate the claim?  Seems pointless to me.

*Jack Kemp has entered the chat*

Yep.  Nothing will get fixed until there’s campaign finance reform and until lobbying is eliminated.

Well, except no, we haven’t.  Between the electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the unbalanced nonsense that is the Senate, we don’t get that at all.

Of course.  That’s totally fine.  And the rest of us are free to ignore what you say.