Sharaz Jek

So, we’re back to [ citation needed ].  You’re the one who made the accusation.

Remember when Eddie Murphy was funny?

Saying their sample sizes are too small (a possibly valid criticism) is a yawning chasm away from “Because CR is bought and paid for by (certain) OEMs.”

Ah, early CUE, where they didn’t want to admit it was shit so they pretended it was too complex to learn on your own and hired a whole staff of genius-style people to teach it to new owners.

Does ANYONE have a fucking mute button?  That lack drives me insane.  So I have to make sure I have the cursor on the play/pause button on my non-touch screen and hope to Christ my phone’s cable doesn’t move slightly, convincing the worse-than-an-Asus-laptop trackpad that I was moving the cursor to basically anywhere

You are not alone.

I think you were dreaming; there’s been no official announcements at all regarding new X-Men films, other than they’re starting to talk to writers, and DP3 is very much leaning into the fact that they’re joining the MCU.

Of course, 1 x 1 does not = 2.

Do you have any actual evidence?  Or are you just another poster hating on CR because their ratings don’t match up with what you think they should be?

[ Citation Needed ]

Fuck off.  People get bullied for all sorts of reasons, and you don’t get to tell them their experiences weren’t traumatic.

Not getting paid doesn’t mean he’s not getting stock options or other forms of compensation; it just means he isn’t getting a salary.

The 5th Circuit is utterly lawless.

I’d argue you can do Dark Phoenix, but not in the first movie. Start seeding it. Maybe even have Jean go through the accident that makes her Phoenix, but Dark Phoenix shouldn’t show up for a couple more movies.

To paraphrase PJ O’Rourke, McCain was wrong about most everything, but at least he was wrong within normal parameters.

THANK YOU.  That trackpad blows chunks.  And it’s not even a decent trackpad (trackpads in general suck, but this one is worse than the garbage Asus puts in their laptops).

That is not the original Wolfenstein.

What, no original?

Are you thinking of Cad Bane?

Of course, if they were smart, they’d still have piles of money from all the gouging they’ve done over the past few years.