Sharaz Jek

My name is Shawn Spencer, and this is my partner, control alt delete.


I’m old enough that when aspartame was introduced, it was such an improvement over saccharine that it was a joy to consume.


Came here to make the same remark about Like a Prayer, which IMO is Peak Madonna.

Fuck if I know.  I’d rather stab myself in the sack than live in a small town.

What a shitty take.

The 65mm film has a much larger image, allowing for a picture that is equivalent to 18,000 pixels—compared to, say, the 4,000 pixels found on most televisions.

I am of the belief that it is WAY harder to do a good Superman than it is to do a good Batman, just because of who Batman is. Batman is fucked in the head; the only differences we see in different interpretations is how fucked in the head he is. He has plenty of tech but no superpowers, so it’s easy to challenge him

So Tampa resident here. People are absolute fuckwits in our state.

However many stars you end up with, it won’t be enough.  Quality post.

Agreed.  Also, as someone on the spectrum, I doubt I’d ever give the response that people think is “appropriate.”  Not saying she is; just saying that judging people on their snap responses during a tragedy is pretty awful IMO.

Slide 3 of 14.

I am willing to bet Warner spent as little as humanly possible on this.  I would not get your hopes up.

It’ll be the version that was on HBO Max, I am sure.


Jeremy Renner belongs on this list. If you haven’t heard his version of House of the Rising Sun, do yourself a favor and go listen to it right now.

THIS!  Have you people paid any attention to the lyrics at all?

The only correct answer.

Well, leaving aside the description of Man of Steel as “quite good” (LOL), the DCEU didn’t stumble because it introduced too many heroes. It stumbled because it was shit.