Sharaz Jek

Right, because Republicans give up authority so easily.

We take what we can get.

Could be! The bottom line is that everyone sees differently, and some people need the motion interpolation more than others.

Could be! The bottom line is that everyone sees differently, and some people need the motion interpolation more than

Modern sample-and-hold displays need motion processing. That’s simply a fact. And different people totally see motion differently.  For some sources, I absolutely use motion clarity.

Modern sample-and-hold displays need motion processing. That’s simply a fact. And different people totally see

No idea, but I was agreeing with you.  I’m old, and I drifted away from comics when multiverses started rebooting etc. and you had to buy every book to follow the storyline, even if you don’t like them all.

That’s the entire MCU now. It’s so up its own ass it’s just incredibly tedious.

I mean, it’s The Inventory; why are you surprised?

I mean, it’s The Inventory; why are you surprised?

My father (a financial analyst) used to complain similarly about newspapers reporting on financial items.

Yeah, that one blew me away. Like, OK, you’re racist and you have trouble with non-white faces, but come the fuck on. They don’t even look slightly similar.

Yes to all of this.  Also, if you (as a public corporation) are sitting on loads of unsold inventory, the market will punish your stock price because it makes it look like your sales/operations are FUBAR.  But destroying unsold inventory is just a blip.

Yeah, the 5th District is like a group of lawless renegades.

“Having enough juice to call the mayor” doesn’t compare to what happens to a woman when she blows the whistle on someone important to the network. She had a career to think about.

Also, the Genesis vehicles I’ve looked at are very well equipped, capable, and CR says they’re reliable.  I was thisclose to buying a GV70 in 2020, but couldn’t find one.

My father was a financial analyst for decades, and he routinely lamented the state of financial reporting by reporters who clearly don’t understand finance.

This.  Time was, Domino’s was the worst of all the major chains, but it improved significantly.  The bottom is now being fought for by Pizza Hut and Papa John’s.  (Pizza Hut, of late, has been winning; the last couple times we got PJ, it was decent.)

This behavior is a feature not a bug, as far as the GOP base is concerned.  And he can play himself as reasonable compared to the orange turd.

That outlet reports that Hartley has additionally been accused of abuse of the elderly or a disabled adult; the 59-year-old drummer lost his arm in an accident in 1984.

There are loads of things that basically have no symptoms and yet can eventually be fatal.

It’s crazy to me.  Like, if my partner starts touching herself while we’re going at it, I just find it hot.

The yoke comes with the optional drive-by-wire system.  Normal (default) system has the normal wheel.