I don’t like the sound of ‘ese ‘ere “Boncentration Bamps.”
I wasted 30 years. I kept telling myself that I just had to try harder.
Over the course of several days, as I heard her tell the story to all her friends and family, the amount of time I was gone kept increasing. 2 hours. 4 hours. 8 hours.
For me, it was this version of Cadillac’s badge:
In the 70's I thought that was the absolute pinnacle of car adornments.
Oh that’s brilliant.
Yes indeed: the Mercedes-Benz emblem is a symbol for the company’s plan for world domination.
Now there’s a quality reference for you!
It looks like what an illiterate piece of trash *thinks* is rich and tasteful.
Yes, that’s true for Apple as well. You need an actual Apple II with an Apple drive (or there was a card made for PCs that could connect to an Apple drive, but the card was ISA-based, so, good luck with that lol).
I don’t think Print Shop was a thing yet when Akalabeth came out.
Wow, thank you for writing all this up!
This may be the best analogy I’ve ever heard.
If emails like that are being ignored by HR, I think there’s a bigger problem than work location.
Hold on there, Satan.
upping the anty
upping the anty
Lotta bigoted Star Trek fans who haven’t seemed to notice they’re watching a show full of socialists and progressives. I saw an article proclaiming that Star Trek was now going where no Star Trek had gone before: woke politics.
Also we should really just have an IRS tax website where you do your taxes without having to use a 3rd party. the 3rd party sites are literally just providing a Graphic User Interface (GUI) for inputting the various numbers on the tax form the IRS provides them. they provide nothing of value beyond that and it’s why…
The mother explains, TO HER OWN DAUGHTER WHO IS NO MORE THAN 10 YEARS OLD, that she was named after the place she was conceived, which is Savannah. Whomst the hell would tell their child that.