Sharaz Jek

This.  My first car was a 1970 Electra.  You could put a 10-speed bike in the trunk and close it.  Plus, that 455!

I’ve seen this before and it is spectacular.

You get a star for mentioning the absolutely incredible Sleuth.

Agree.  Personally I would miss things like college rivalries and such, but I’m fine with losing that if it means the athletes get what they deserve.

I agree with everything you say here, and can only add that we know goddamned why it hasn’t happened: the NCAA has and will fight any such suggestion tooth and nail (for obvious reasons).

This is the best tip. McDonald’s straws are fucking prime.

Or maybe just pay the goddamned athletes instead of weird deferred payment schemes.

American here, and yeah, I’ve seen the goofy animations at more than one alley.


Absolutely one of the all-time greats.

I literally once saw an SVP mandate that everyone reporting up through him must work in the office (pre-COVID), even though we’d all been working from home quite well before a management reshuffle put us all under this tool. Why?

Yeah, sadly, being grey means your comments are almost never seen.  I hate the whole stupid system.

I had to check the posting date of this article, as I assumed it was an April Fools joke.

I am flummoxed by this attitude.  Now you have a pan to clean up, while I’m eating my toast.

(In the late ‘80s itwas incredibly rare for actors to move between media—and it’s hard to think of an actor who did it nearly as successfully.)

Unlikely.  It’s more likely that it’s stuck in some kind of rights mess.  That is nearly always why “movie/show X” isn’t available.

Dunno about modern Spidey, but old Spidey had a belt buckle flashlight that projected a big round Spider-Man head onto walls and shit.

It’s on the roof of the Gotham PD HQ.  I don’t think the criminals need to trace the light to find Gordon.

Some phones used these big 4-prong plugs. I don’t remember when that started, but obviously they pre-date the RJ11 jacks.

Because the difference in image quality between a $2200 OLED (no need for scare quotes, buddy) and a $700 Black Friday special is ENORMOUS.

Because the difference in image quality between a $2200 OLED (no need for scare quotes, buddy) and a $700 Black