Sharaz Jek

Actually I was married to her for 30 years, unfortunately. And I am *definitely* getting therapy for it.

I think your partner’s mom is my ex.

I’m a bit confused; how is 256x144 72p? Wouldn’t that be...144p?

Except I think it’s safe to say that if she were not constrained by the conservatorship, she wouldn’t be giving Jamie a dime.

Martin had a great standup act back in the day.  I had at least a couple of his albums.

That show is so fucking funny, and Crabtree, on paper, seems like a character that should get massively annoying, but he never does.

I thought she was too, but then I clicked the link LOL

Came here to post the same thing. Script kiddies ahoy.

Star Trek in general is bad about this, but yeah, DS9 might be the worst offender.  It’s like when Beverly is seen giving Random Crewperson #78 something for a headache.  Like...what?

One of these would pass right under a modern F-250 unscathed.

Not to mention RKO 281...

Well now I want that.

Yea....anyone who explains away ethics as ‘being complicated’ needs to have someone open a dictionary to the word ethics, seized by the hair, and have their face slammed into the meaning until comprehension is absorbed.

Excuse me, sir; CBS is suddenly on line 1 for you.

It’s the same reason I wouldn’t want to be Steve Urkel or Kimmy Gibbler either.

Jesus, even slimier than I imagined.  Thanks for that link.

How so? (I am genuinely curious.)

Not really. And frankly it’s a bit of an annoying one. I picked it purely because it’s my first initial and last name (I’m old enough to remember when that’s how most Internet account names were created), but it’s also a not-uncommon word. So when people who don’t know the difference between # and @ use the word, I

Nothing.  We (either my family or the cops) could not track him down.  He was using an anonymous IP-based phone number, unfortunately.