Actually I was married to her for 30 years, unfortunately. And I am *definitely* getting therapy for it.
Actually I was married to her for 30 years, unfortunately. And I am *definitely* getting therapy for it.
I think your partner’s mom is my ex.
I’m a bit confused; how is 256x144 72p? Wouldn’t that be...144p?
Except I think it’s safe to say that if she were not constrained by the conservatorship, she wouldn’t be giving Jamie a dime.
Martin had a great standup act back in the day. I had at least a couple of his albums.
That show is so fucking funny, and Crabtree, on paper, seems like a character that should get massively annoying, but he never does.
I thought she was too, but then I clicked the link LOL
Came here to post the same thing. Script kiddies ahoy.
Except Dexter wasn’t first:
Star Trek in general is bad about this, but yeah, DS9 might be the worst offender. It’s like when Beverly is seen giving Random Crewperson #78 something for a headache. Like...what?
One of these would pass right under a modern F-250 unscathed.
Not to mention RKO 281...
Well now I want that.
Yea....anyone who explains away ethics as ‘being complicated’ needs to have someone open a dictionary to the word ethics, seized by the hair, and have their face slammed into the meaning until comprehension is absorbed.
Excuse me, sir; CBS is suddenly on line 1 for you.
It’s the same reason I wouldn’t want to be Steve Urkel or Kimmy Gibbler either.
Jesus, even slimier than I imagined. Thanks for that link.
How so? (I am genuinely curious.)
Not really. And frankly it’s a bit of an annoying one. I picked it purely because it’s my first initial and last name (I’m old enough to remember when that’s how most Internet account names were created), but it’s also a not-uncommon word. So when people who don’t know the difference between # and @ use the word, I…
Nothing. We (either my family or the cops) could not track him down. He was using an anonymous IP-based phone number, unfortunately.