Yeah, same. Hell, I even love the runny-egg ones now. But as a kid in the 80's? Yuck.
Yeah, same. Hell, I even love the runny-egg ones now. But as a kid in the 80's? Yuck.
In no way is this a new development, and in no way is it limited to the US. I’ve been observing this sort of bozosity since I was a kid. (The price of having an equities analyst for a father.) And the people who lose their shit over fast food workers that make a mistake on their order should spend some time sitting in…
Possible, but less likely. In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, corporate incompetence is FAR, FAR more common than corporate malevolence. (And don’t get me wrong: I fully admit that companies will look the other way for money pretty much any chance they get.)
You make it sound like Amazon just has the bandwidth and capacity laying around, so they might as well let Twitch use it. LOL, no.
Definitely the Porsche 911. As a kid I thought they were just super expensive Beetles. Now I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to own one.
Did HBO Max not do their research?
For the record, I absolutely agree with your overall point.
This is good Kinja
They’re also in a capital-intensive business, and their debt is definitely trending in the correct direction.
When I am Emperor, you simply must be my Attorney General.
Psych is amazing. Also, yes yes YES to Monk; as someone with OCD and some other such thingies, Monk felt very relatable to me.
Particularly since many times these cults seem to implode because the leader or leadership gets greedy. Greedy for money (at which point they follow the trajectory of any pyramid scheme), or greedy for devotion (demanding weirder and weirder things from the members), or whatever.
Even if a performer sets their monthly price for accessing their OnlyFans at $10 a month, they would only need 1000 subscribers to get to the six figure mark.
Along the same lines, I’m really tired of highly compressed streaming and broadcasting. Everything live on cable/satellite/OTA looks like trash, with high compression artifacts (often seen as little squares) all over the screen. 4K broadcasting hasn’t become mainstream yet because they can’t even handle a…
Ed Begley Jr. would buy it.
It took two weeks just to schedule recurring meetings for all of the involved teams and partners. Key stakeholders were involved, naturally, and it looked like there might be rapid progress, except the first 15 minutes of every call (the first 15 minutes after everyone finally joined, anyway) were spent with someone…
They are indeed. In fact, they workshopped that idea for quite some time, with all of the important management types gathered around a whiteboard. They wrote a bunch of words on the board, like “innovate,” “entrepreneurial,” and “disruption,” then drew big arrows from those words and had them all point to a cloud in…
To this day, my employer is super reluctant to let people telecommute full time, despite the fact that we have literally dozens of sales PowerPoints talking about how much better it is to let employees work from home (because we fucking sell VPN services). Madness.
Spotify 100% checks, but only when you first sign up the accounts.
Conservatives have been pushing this myth for decades. That bloated gasbag Limbaugh always told his listeners to ignore the “liberal media” and their lies; you folks, he’d say, are the silent majority, and it’s just those elites trying to act like they’re the majority that you see and hear.