
LOL don’t you have a Pride march to picket?

You assume they’re all white and male?

Gay men call everyone sweetie, you homophobic piece of shit.

But how will he win the most woke comments award?

whose sole, sad joy is...basically what this subthread has turned into

And here we have reached the “nuh uh am not” level of our descent into self-mockery. Can we go any deeper? Does this trench even have a bottom? Stay tuned ...


How does it feel to coast through life understanding that everyone in your orbit can’t even bring themselves to tolerate you?

The idea of you calling someone else a “concern troll” is delicious.

Hey identity and difference, I think this encapsulates the recurring banter recognitions has with others quite a bit.

When he starts dropping the “lol”s in there I imagine that some small part of him has realized that the room has turned against him once again. He probably thinks it comes off as condescending, but it’s really just flop-sweat in text form.

If he was a D&D character he would be the lawful good paladin with his moral compass permanently stuck on “Righteous Indignation” that the entire party can’t stand and secretly wishes the chaotic neutral rogue would just backstab and get it over with already.

You had a point? Listen, I don’t care about your personal crusade against strangers on the internet disagreeing with something you said in a previous story. I was just pointing out that it’s a useless and unseemly crusade and in fact makes anything you say that’s actually useful appear retroactively petty and

Oh, sweetie. You’re not changing the world. You’re a useless, frivolous attention whore whose sole, sad joy is derived from the artificial and baseless belief that you are more moral than anyone else on Planet Earth.

I hesitate to even ask this, because you’ve already given so, so much, but there is a severe shortage of faux outrage in under-developed nations. Millions could benefit from your deep well of superficial empathy over causes both overblown and nonsensical, as a distraction to the tedium and oppression of their daily

Who’s Stan?

Keep gettin’ those clicks, boys!

Well since that guy is made entirely of straw exhaustion probably doesn’t factor in all that much.

It ain’t work if you’re having fun!

It must be exhausting to be you all the time.