
Hmm...owl's well that ends well, I suppose. Maybe the bird can come back for a hootenanny sometime.


i totally thought the headline was talking about an animal planet show around that lady in New York who was breeding rats in her apartment and then releasing them in to the city.

Of course, because only women want to see some diversity, give it a rest, pick your own battle elsewhere if you don't agree with this.

So, people have a beef with what is being represented, and you have a beef with that. You then defend yourself by saying I'm not a privileged white male, which means you can speak for all non-whites and non-males, that they should not be offended. You also are presuming to speak for white males that actually want

Demo, if any company should be receptive to questions and potential criticism about the handling of diversity in their games, it's Ubisoft.

Yeah, because it's not like the previous game was the best franchise entry in a decade or anything.

I'm a scientist, I do like Chobani (for eating), and I'm not incensed by this but I am exasperated. I don't think that Chobani is behind a massive, well-planned conspiracy to undermine science, but I do think that a very problematic anti-science sentiment is spreading, promoted deliberately in many cases, and

Well said but Christallmighty.... folks on both sides need to get a grip. WTH has happened to common sense as well as a sense of humor? This is what happens in such a "connectified'' society where everyone has a soap box. Use it long enough and then they start believing they are authorities on everything. Oh

A tremendous overreaction, Robert. It was one pithy slogan, not a campaign. It wasn't a "campaign" against science, it was a pithy slogan that meant "we're all natural with no chemicals or added preservatives or whatever". The construction of the sentence matters. They are telling their customers that their cups are