I dunno...I still enjoyed Man of Steel. I thought it was better than having a fucking goody-two-shoes Superman from day one. I mean, did Zod really give him much of a choice?
I dunno...I still enjoyed Man of Steel. I thought it was better than having a fucking goody-two-shoes Superman from day one. I mean, did Zod really give him much of a choice?
Not a fan of the band...but the song they got their name from was kinda catchy...
I didn’t watch this, but from the photo, that “52 cars” thing is a bit misleading. Looks like these were crushed cars stacked two or three high...so it’s probably really more accurate to say he jumped the width of 17 or 18 cars. That’s really the only relevant number here. If they’d all been crushed to half that…
I also hate the fact that is says 16 buses, but only shows 8.
Seriously...the whole Schitt’s Creek thing pisses me off for the same reason.
I pay for 60 from Comcast, but lately I’m only getting about 9. I’ve tried hardwiring in to both my modem and my router. The modem ethernet connection doesn’t work and my router still only gives me 9. I’ve just bought a new modem (the current one is about 7 or 8 years old)...so I’m praying that’s the issue. I really…
I seriously love that he did this. I think it’s an awesome move. That’ll teach ‘em to be off their guard.
I hope they are back to horses and buggies. I mean, how long do they expect us to believe that cars still have usable gasoline after several years? Or are they going to try to tell us they have started up a refinery?
I think the plus sign is the realization that they are going too far and adding any more letters would just be ridiculous. Personally, I’d argue they should’ve added the plus sign about three or four places earlier...
Exactly what I was thinking.
I’m starting to feel like maybe we need to be at the point of nearly complete, system-wide autonomous vehicles or not at all. All or nothing. When you mix autonomous with human-controlled, you get too many unpredictable variables. If all the cars in an area can communicate with each other and react in sync, this sort…
I know this comes off sounding insincere or braggadocious, but I can’t honestly think of any movie that truly scared me. Gross me out? Yeah...plenty. Disturb me for a while afterwards? Of course. Startle me with jump scares? Definitely...I’m a big sucker for a jump scare. But I guess I just have a hard time actually…
“Wise spending” is antithetical to government.
So...a softball commentary about a softball interview about a different softball interview. No wonder Bill is so thin-skinned...he never really and truly has to be faced by his critics. Being sheltered by sycophants hasn’t prevented him from becoming a doddering old man, though.
Well, the weird gravity-defying hair thing that character had going on was pretty annoying, I must say. Other than that, I have no strong positive or negative feelings towards the character. The Last Jedi was definitely a very weak entry, but I don’t think it was because of any specific character. If anything, I blame…
“The kinds of things that people on the right believe and promote call into question their very humanity and they ought to know it in no uncertain terms.”
Came here to observe the intolerance and bigotry. Was not disappointed.
As someone who hates seafood, I’m gonna go postal on the next asshole that suggests I go with them to get a fucking poke bowl.
Surprised they didn’t post a mugshit...errr...mugshot.