Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

You can look at that and say nicely done?

For those who really want a 2013 civic 

Which you can now pickup, gently used, in exchange for a moldy hot-dog, $27 and your opinion on Nike/Colin.

I know it’s cliche, but I really, really, really wish this came as a coupe as well. Such a shame.

I sold one of these in my used car sales days, the guy shows up and he asks me to go through the car with him. (He had already paid for the car over the phone, and was driving up from Oregon) OK, that’s kinda weird, but hey, so I start showing him things, like the M button. He didn’t know about that, which ok, I

We Aren’t Getting The New Toyota Corolla Wagon But We Should”

Toxic masculinity ruins the party again.  😉

“Sorry boss I can’t make it, spider near front door”

I can’t even believe this shit man.    If I get a cold I go down like a ton of bricks for a week.  This woman is superhuman. 

The mental gymnastics these people go through to try and convince themselves that Big President Business knows what he’s doing is kind of amusing, though.

Meanwhile, in the USA:

Your gullibility is only exceeded by your lack of historical knowledge. Jong-un is the third generation of North Korean leader to negotiate in bad faith with the US by pretending to offer concessions that are in fact unverifiable and/or worthless. It’s a playbook with which the US is extremely familiar, but our

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from this administration is that anyone who is stupid enough to think Trump is doing a good job isn’t worth an argument. You’re wrong, and I’ll say as much, but I’m going to let it end there. Trump is an idiot, he’s out of his depth, he has no experience in the field, and

I hope that works out for you?  Most people certainly do not fare well with this plan.

i skewed the average when i financed my used car

Interest rates are just going up though. I recently went to check out new BMW and the best rates are 4% or something crazy now. I’d just bought one a couple years ago for 0.9% Low interest loans are gone for now. I’m firmly in the top credit tier.