Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

In April, evangelical support for Trump was at an all-time high, with 69 percent of evangelical voters responding that they would prefer him over another Republican in 2020.

Portofino is the “entry level” Ferrari that replaced the California, not this. 

Perhaps or more likely the local walmarts are dirty with curmudgeon employees, never stocked with what I need, have 2 cashiers for 50 customers and have demolition derbies for parking lots. If I need to leave my house for a mass retailer, the Targets are much nicer experiences for a small percentage in price increase.

*looks at photo*

So racism is only wrong when the perpetrator or object of abuse is a particular ethnicity?

Yean man, Seb comes off whiny on the radio at times, but as far as I can tell and have read, he puts in a ton of effort to really become part of the team. Not some high paid VIP superstar who operates on a different plane. Like how he put an a ton of effort to learn Italian. It wasn’t that his engineers couldn’t

You could easily live your entire life in this country without meeting a single person who believes anything like that.

I am a veteran of the US Armed forces (US Army). I swore an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I personally would never sit or kneel during the National Anthem but that is my choice based on my personal feelings. I do however, fully support the right of any American citizen

Holy shit, your mind goes to some strange, terrifying places. +666

They didn’t put the underage dating shit in the documentary because they’re cucks. They knew that if they put in a little bit of criticism into a documentary about a dead person a lot of shitbags would comment on Amazon or whatever that the documentary is bad and it’d sell less. They didn’t do it because people are

This made my skin crawl. Yeah he was a good person over all, a passionate and down to earth guy. But still. What the fuck, man?

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

I think the Rockets’ implosion over the next couple years is gonna be pretty fun to watch. Chris Paul is somehow both one of the greatest point guards of all time while also possibly being the main reason Chris Paul will never win a championship.

but if you can convince him he thought of an idea organically during his daily news binge, well, you might just change his mind.

Oliver did it first. And better.

That’s what the WALL! is going to look like? Does the Border Patrol’s comb the desert looking for immigrants?

No, your side is the one always calling for violence. Antifa is just a small group. You have an entire political party, a major news network and dozens of talk radio and internet personalities calling for hate and violence. You're the bad guys, and the whole world knows it.

The “militant left” didn’t run over people with a car the last time around.