Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

“Temo, who describes himself as a conservative, voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election....”

Temo, who describes himself as a conservative, voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election

Welcome back, WYTS - I don’t give two rabid dog shits about the NFL anymore, but this is a welcome return in these summer doldrums...

1. When Sacha said ‘pedo-detector’, notice how Moore’s hands moved right to his crotch?

Pretty sure that would have decapitated Neymar.

I gave him a star, but really only because it makes you angry.

I'm not wild about some of the things he's done, but he's always been interesting. Get well soon, Sergio.

Furiously masturbating whilst silently weeping with shame.

Trumpers can put up with a lot, but they will NOT like being lied to, that I can tell you.

If he’s healthy and chooses to sit out the season, the team can fine him the amount of his pay so, in effect, he won’t get paid if he doesn’t play (again, if he’s healthy).

Dude is 69.

Not only that, he literally cannot sit out. NBA rules dictate that sitting out for reasons that are not injury-related doesn’t fulfill the year on the contract. So he would have to be in Toronto ANOTHER year.


what a monumental FUCK YOU to Kawhi Leonard, who mostly deserves it, and an even bigger FUCK YOU to DeMar DeRozan, who didn’t realize Canadians knew those kinds of words

1. This is an own.

Could the Raptors flip him?

Inviting Obama would absolutely be the greatest insult to the racist shit Trump. Would love for that to happen.

No, they should just straight up say “you are no longer welcomed here.”

Not only should these motherfucking pigs be fired and jailed, they should be forced to pay back all of the wages they stole while running an organized crime racket as police officers.

Framing innocent black people instead of simply murdering them puts these officers among our nation’s finest.