Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

There aren’t any casual viewers being caught by any hockey games except for captive audiences at bars/airports, and it’s not like those people have a choice.


You know what actually hurts?

I just want to reiterate, fuck the Penguins!

Ah yes. Washington and Vegas. The Stanley cup final everyone predicted.

I’d love to make a smartass comment but all I can do is sit here in shock. I can’t believe this team is in the Finals. When we beat the Pens I literally screamed “FUCK YOU, PITTSBURGH” out the window, but this time I’m just in disbelief.

Hey, hockey is awesome, and playoff hockey is awesome-r! Always room on the hockey wagon!

that started with souped-up cars made for evading the police

Ironic considering the cars end up doing left turns.

Bull. Shit. I’ve been to plenty of races. Do people stand? Sure. Are there a shitload of other people wandering by the snack stands and merchandise trailers oblivious to the fact that the anthem is playing? Hell yeah there are. To act as if a NASCAR event is any more patriotic than football, baseball, etc. is a farce.

Nothing says American pride like an event with Confederate flags everywhere.

LeBron James is one of the smartest athletes to ever play the game, his basketball IQ is incredible. Please shut the fuck up

No Ollie, you’re a convicted felon, an arms smuggler, a terrorist fundraiser and a complete turd.

Waaaaaaa, waaaaaaa, waaaaaaaa

Yes, Trump just exposed them for who they really are

Come on, now. When you cheat on your wife with that many people, sometimes name get mixed up. It’s understandable.