Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

“Former prosecutor and current maniac Rudy Giuliani has announced that he will be joining the president’s embattled legal team.”

“I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and for Bob Mueller,” Giuliani said in an interview.

I thought it showed a lot of character how LeBron stood up for LaForce, and really the whole TNT broadcast team. At the end of the video he even said, “And everyone, stop calling for TNT to switch out all the announcers. I mean, who would ever think of switching out almost everyone right in the middle of things.

They sprung this news on LeBron in the postgame interview (which is a gross thing to do) and he choked up on live TV. Obviously Pop is loved in the NBA community and I suspect a whole lot of players knew Erin and cared about her as well. I’m sure Pop will receive an absolute outpouring of sympathy, both publicly and

BMWs gonna BMW...


Mine are down too. I’m going to get a soda with that extra dollar in my paycheck this week.

Donald Trump used a photo op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to promote Mar-a-Lago, calling the Palm Beach club “the Southern White House.” “Many, many people want to be here,” Trump added. “Many of the leaders want to be here. They request specifically.”

Jeff Green never should be allowed to shoot a three ever again. What is that you say? Lue announced for no good fucking reason that Green is going to start for the rest of the playoffs? God fucking dammit.

This is good.

Honest question. Once trump is done and over with, whether from impeachment or loss of reelection or whatever, do you think we can ever bridge the ideological divide that’s happening in America?

Nice whataboutism

Blizzard should just scrap OWL at this point tbh. Literally every week we find out another player is a garbage human being, clearly there is either something wrong with their screening process or something wrong with the general population of OW players.

“Many sex workers argue that under their broad scope, SESTA and Fosta could cut off spaces to share safety information, stymie outreach efforts, and flag dangerous clients, while driving those clients and sex traffickers further off the radar.”

yeah, i once thought we agreed that pedophiles should not be in the senate too but here we are....

“Pshh...They’ll never get any presents retiring like that.” - Derek Jeter

I really liked how they only announced it with a few games left. Reports are they were telling former teammates a month or so ago. I hate the goodbye tours that have plagued MLB. So much more classy to do it this way. Still a good chance to give the fans a meanful sendoff but let the Sedins be the humble classy