Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Oh God, thank you Tom Ley. I’ve been arguing for this for years and was beginning to think I was crazy. Mention that around certain fans and they react as if you said you were a proponent of eugenics, despite it being the only real way to instantly eliminate tanking.

I realize that hindsight is 20/20, but damn, his greed has really boned him. I understand believing in yourself, but at a certain point you gotta look at your 9 point, 7 rebound career statline and say “70 mill is a steal for me”.

I’m sure there’s a couple Mavericks employees who could describe, in incredibly graphic detail, exactly what Noel did to himself.

Talk about ending the season on a high note

So, just a comment to anyone ever visiting NYC. If a subway car is empty at a time when subway cars are not typically empty, DO NOT GET ON THE EMPTY CAR! You do not know what horrors await you, but they will be there. People who are used to, and tolerate, everything NYC can do to them have decided it’s not worth being

Well we also went from obama to trump in an instant. So

I am not convinced that second dunk is better than the first would have been, in an alternate reality where LeBron completed it and, quite possibly, cracked the Earth in half in the process.

Learned nothing? Just a few weeks ago they vowed not to sign anybody who kneeled for the flag, and look at them now!

Further fixed.


Could be worse. *checks notes* No, no it couldn’t.

Assuming he comes off the bench in the playoffs and assuming the Sixers play the Pacers in the first round, he might have to matchup against Lance Stephenson. I can only imagine what might happen with that.

Counterpoint: +16 and 6 assists in 12 minutes

Joe harris is the name NBA2K gives generic game made players

I love how the older he’s getting the more fuck you ball he seems to be playing.

To be fair, Steph suffered through multiple injuries during that 2016 Finals collapse: the sprained knee, and an aggravated LeBron James.

Too bad. This guy had a great horizon in front of him. Limitless even.

For years, one guy in the Dallas Mavericks sales department would come into the office and watch porn at his desk.

Here is a sneak peak of JPP in a Bucs jersey:

Happens with relationships all the time. Things can being going great for so long, but after the fireworks end, you’re left realizing the person you once knew isn’t completely there anymore. You can try to piece things back together, but sometimes it’s best to just part ways.