Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

...Did you just post your own tweets?

Don’t worry, no one will think you’re fancy driving a C-Class.

A VERY impressive technical achievement, just not a very good looking one. Another dozen more hours in CAD to tighten the design, and increase the resolution would have really knocked it out of the park.

McDavid will look great playing alongside Hall in NJ when Chiarelli trades him for Vatanen and a 4th round conditional pick.

/Luck lifts a slice of pizza towards camera

+4 HEAD in fact

Hey man, just calling it like I see it. Nothing wrong with appreciating other dudes. Maybe we’d all be mentally healthier if we were nicer to each other.  

That’s a very handsome man, if I do say so.

Here are some other things that are “low and slow”

1 sliver of truth and a 2 scoop of lies - The typical Trump Sunday. Do people still take him seriously at face value? What percent?

If you don’t want to get angry, do not fact-check Trump. And before some moron comes in and decries “fake news”, if a news organization willingly published false accounts then that would be considered libel, and Trump and his army of lawyers would sue them down to the cotton in their underwear. Hint: Just because

This is what this show deserved. I’ve never been so happy to see Ashoka and to have been wrong about her demise.

If that’s not the next show I will be cross.

I thought it would be more of a definite finale, but I’m really glad they didn’t just dump all the characters and then go “ok and now Rogue One starts here”.

It was brilliant. In showing the time travel episode, we don’t know when Asoka was dumped back out...just that she was.

Isn’t that what usually wins at the Oscars?

Will it give me incredible athletic powers, like the fiddler crab that lives in James Harden’s beard?

Don’t forget the GOP/NRA want her to have a gun in the classroom.