Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

“OK Josh, here are Andrew’s MRIs....”

What did we do to piss off the basketball gods so much and how many more sacrifices do they demand? Jesus Christ, that shit was brutal.

My official (internal) rule of Kinja is to try to be as kind as I can to everyone, even if (and this has happened quite a lot on Jezebel) the other commenter is basically dehumanizing me. :)

The tank was already warmed up in Memphis; Conley being shelved was just the driver putting her in gear

To be fair, this weighs as much as the titanic.

Me 20 years ago: Wow 400 horsepower! That’s more than a Ferrari 355!

You could just have a headline that says “Draymond Green is a dick” and post it every day and it would be true most of the time.

Bunch of second head jokes... This is what I correlated.

Until this happens, because it didn’t, here’s a nice picture of a non autonomous truck slamming into a row of parked cars.

Silicon Valley bro-dozers incoming!

Sit tight, we’re just getting started.

Maybe, there’s no guarantee that anything is straight.

As it is usually the case with semi

It isn’t that wild, there are buildings and carparks around. Hardly 4x4ing through the jungle.

All us guys were teenagers once, we’ve all had a semi in the wild.

I’m confused, I thought I saw Tom Brady and Bill Belichick on the field.

You’re wrong. There’s a god and he’s a Pats fan.