Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

“I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”

No. TOMMY is asleep in the hyperbolic time chamber Bill is the one with the hard on.

As a Saints fan, I am ready to smash my head against the wall for the rest of the night. Someone check on me in the morning.

The old tackle with your head method is going to be questioned after this.

I believe the only appropriate response to this game is

Trey Burke, another in the line of great Michigan point guards who implode once they get to the NBA. Ricky Green, Gary Grant, Rumeal Robinson....

Look at the dork-ass layup my man throws in after successfully pulling off that move.

He could do it from the freaking Presidential podium and his base will just say that they will continue to support him because ‘he just says what everyone else is thinking’. The people that this this is terrible behavior already hated him and it makes his base love him even more.

So what you’re saying is you didn’t watch the movie?

As a car owning gearhead who lives and works in Manhattan, I can confidently say that within the five boros, this is still true.

The amazing thing is, even with how shitty we are at investing in it here in the US, it IS still 1,000 times better than trying to drive into NYC and park for work.

The real winner is the photographer who got plowed in the end zone.

If the price for Doug Jones is the Crimson Tide winning the championship every year he’s in office, I hope that grim bastard Saban gets a trophy for the next decade

I’m going to guess you actually had nothing to do with it.

This is a really bad look for Sager, so I guess he really did die as he lived.

Bills fans celebrated their team’s (short-lived) playoff run by traveling to Jacksonville in droves, laying waste to any table-like structure in their path, reportedly starting a garbage fire,

I agree. The backward quotation marks are too confusing.

I just hate them so much...