Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

The only sadder career arc than “drafted by the Kings, traded to the Sixers, then traded to the Nets” is “drafted by the Celtics, then died.”

there are no winners in this trade

The Nets have won more games than nine other teams in the league right now. The Nets have a couple of interesting young players and a good coach. The Nets play in a fun location. The Nets play hard every night. So I’m not really seeing why playing for the Nets is a downside in 2017.

My man needs a bike. Big bike

*Reads first 11 words of your post.*

Reporter: “Do your team’s struggles have anything to do with the fact that you signed a ‘Big 3’ of Mike Conley, Marc Gasol, and Chandler Parsons to swallow nearly 2/3 of the payroll; that Mike Conley has been injured for half of the season; that this team is so top heavy it makes Dolly Parton jealous; and that Dillon

That’s a very good car, who is a good car, yes you are a good car.

So much fun. Thank you guys for doing this. I’m in New York by complete coincidence (living in Vienna) and this was well worth a detour.

What a strange looking car...

Let me be the first to congratulate you on allowing a Mustang in, yet escaping the resulting carnage....

So many cool cars. Cool stickers too.

hook this kinja straight up to my fuckin veins

There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

Looks like you ought to train her to snicker...

I hope he eats it and the whole theater audibly gasps in horror.

Third time looking at this photo and first time realising that was a paw and not dog junk.

This is Danny. My wife and I adopted her about 2 months ago. She’s a pointer, pit bull, Chihuahua, German Shepherd and a bunch of other things mix. She’s super high energy and can be pretty damn annoying at times, but she’s mostly great