Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

The good news is that with them rejecting the settlement offer, it gives more time for the “one explosive complaint that had not yet been made public” to leak.

He sucks if you are trying to win. If your goal is to be decent until December 1st then gloriously crash and burn then he is your man every once in a while when he doesn’t get hurt or started sucking earlier

Like their team, Pats fans are not capable of sincerity.

You just got the greatest QB in the history of the Bear’s franchise.

That Coast Guard tweet is rather insulting considering he wants to slash their budget to help fund his stupid fucking wall. The USCG does more for border security in a year than that wall would do in a century.

Yeah, he’s improved all the way to be a mediocre role player.

RIP 6-man postseason rotations

This being soccer, La Liga officials were entirely baffled as to how to physically accept entirely-legal money, particularly in broad daylight.

When did Skip Bayless get a Kinja account?

Let us ask ourselves if we can imagine any scenario where Michael Jordan would apply criteria to this discussion that in any way might threaten his assumed position at the top of a ranking of modern NBA players.

By that logic Chris Hogan is a better wide receiver than Calvin Johnson ever was...cuz rings.

Yeah, I’m going to have to agree there. He’s going to look at these auto industry people and say, “Trust me! This will be great for you!”

President Trump has always said he wants fewer regulations on everything

And this isn’t even the biggest story about Trump’s lies today.

Why investigate when they already know the Answer?

Serious question:

The irony of LaVar Ball telling someone to stay in their lane.

It seems he’s fallen

Maybe he went to check out the edge of the flat earth and fell off?