Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Not at all important. The president makes a decision that essentially removes approximately 2500 soldiers from being able to serve in the military, and bars others from joining, and this is not important?

how exactly do you think this is garbage? its one of the better written articles hes done in a while. the facts check out. sounds to me like it set off your trigger

It’s almost as if he doesn’t want us to pay attention elsewhere.

The takes will be hot on this one.

Seriously. All the face-fanning about the big tough war hero is getting on my very last nerve. Every bad thing he ever endured, he used to justify making somebody else go through even worse.

McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.

You forgot that after everything goes to shit they’re gonna blame Obama, Hilary, Democrats, everybody but themselves.

When was the last time McCain stood for anything? He has said some reasonable stuff against the Republican agenda since Trump was elected, but then he just goes and votes for it anyway. He’s all talk. It’s sad because he talks like the only reasonable Republican with half a brain left, but he never actually opposes

Then they shall fight in the shade.

Still think it should be referenced as a “face thong” instead of a “halo”.

you can’t be arrested for (potentially felony) malicious destruction of property? News to me! Time to fuck with my neighbors!

Youre blocking my driveway, so let me destroy the tires, so you cant move from blocking my drive way. Makes sense...

F/A is a subcategory. I don’t bellyache about Compete posts about gaming on deadspin anymore. I ignore those posts. You can too. And if you don’t like them, don’t give them the clicks and comments. You’re feeding the beast.

“The Camry and Accord are two of the best-selling cars of all time, but mid-size sedan sales are in a tailspin. Could our desire for beefy CUVs spell the end of Accord/Camry dominance on American roads?”

Just a note- they’re totally going to vote in that Senate Health Care bill this week. The good news, there’s two definite no votes so far, that being Susan Collins and Rand Paul. The bad news is the remaining moderates are hiding in a bunker hoping nobody notices they haven’t said no yet. Supposedly, they’re too

France is a country

“Breaking even after 7 years of a 5% accelerator is even tougher.”