Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

My appreciation for Pop’s adjustment ability grows every season. After game 1, it seriously looked like the Spurs were in deep trouble, but he got them to control the pace in 2 and 3, and that alone turned the series around.

I pity whoever wakes up next to James Harden, because there is not an inch of that bed that he didn’t shit all over.

I bought an XKR convertible a couple weeks ago. The other day I was getting gas when a little old lady (80ish) pulled up behind me in a lovely white Benz SEC. We’re talking like 4'10'’, curly grey hair, cardigan, the whole deal. She comes up, says ‘Wow, what a beautiful car, can I take a look?’ I tell her of course,

“Dear Penthouse, you’ll never believe what happened to me the other day...”


Is Porscheofile* pronounced as Porsh-o-file or Porsh-eh-o-file?

Back in a December, some friends and I went down to Daytona for the Ferrari Finali Mondiali. As we were taking photos of the 1200+ Ferrari’s in attendance (yes, 1200), some guy approaches us and the conversation basically goes like this:

But the EMALS!

I am at a loss for words with this shit.

I have been extremely fortunate to drive our new LC 500 coupe around lately before it has been released to the public.

The general reaction has been amazing. People LOVE the car. I was with two of my photographer friends shooting the car on 57th Ave in Manhattan when a young gentleman with a DSLR showed up and asked

quatroformaggio deserves a star

I heard wait a year till they work out the kinks. Like, electrical gremlins that leave you stranded kind of kinks.

No A/C means driving a good bit of the Summer with the windows open. How would you keep your Fabio-esque locks from flying everywhere without the constraint of a handy hairband?

*****(PS: LaMarcus Aldridge, feel free to be able to post up a guard at any time. Stop making James Harden look like Clint Capela)

James Harden definitely helped the cause down the stretch by literally throwing passes to the other team, but you could not play better defensively on the last 15 seconds than Patty Mills, Jonathan Simmons, and Manu keeping Gordon, Anderson, and Harden from being able to cook up a last ditch effort. Basketball Cesaro

You sound like some jilted ex, except on behalf of a country.