Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Good call. You should vote with your wallet: Get your money back from Jalopnik, sue the bastard who forced you to click on the foxtrotalpha link, and never give them another fucking dime.

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 


LMAO, its too bad Melo has to approve any trade, because that would be hilarious.

*Sees Noah struggle mightily in the 1st year of a 4 year/72million contract*

“Moreover, his sticky fingers causes whatever ball-and-player movement is in effect to come to a grinding stop.”

This is just horrifying and i still can not believe this happening. This is how the press in US should be treating Trump.

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

This is horrifying.

Actually it works fine because they have money and engineering talent to spare. It’s useless as modern carrier but it’s a perfectly good training carrier and was actually a great move by them. They have affordably and conservatively been able to start building a carrier capability. In a decade they will relatively

He’s too busy asking if he’ll be able to use military drones to drop flaming bags of poop at Meryl Streep’s front door.

Nothing sums up the uselessness of Russia like your handful of words.

Maybe some vicious tweeting will show China who’s boss.

WAIT omg a ship was in International waters? You also mean where we have had our carriers?

She has new Chinese engines so no smoking.

It is simpler to not use a catapult thus the angled ramp helps fighters get airborne with a heavier load.

I believe it’s a Russian designed carrier.
