Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

So basically this in the air?

This isn’t overly surprising to be honest. Every jet I’ve flown has breakaway pins or bolts in the fairing which will quite happily detach the engine and dump it on the unsuspecting public 35,000 feet below if vibration exceeds a design stress.

I’m anti showing trump any respect, but that tweet is pretty much perfect.

Considering we don’t even recognize ISIS as a nation (nor should we), what exactly do you want Congress to declare war on? An idea?

That’s fantastic, although I wish he would have told fuckface Goodell to ICE UP SON.

Are you afraid of everything? You sound like a little bitch.

This STILL makes we want to scream into the void. How many people actually want this? Have they devoted any thought to the logistics, maintenance, and oh, that AIRPLANES WILL STILL EXIST. And that plenty of the low-paying American jobs that Americans DONT WANT TO DO are done by people across the border? Also, I recall

To attract new fans from among the alt-right, the Cavs will refer to the combination of Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love and Kyle Korver as the KKK.

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

I can’t wait to watch him in the playoffs.

Specifically, it’s good that she’s suing.

Think for a second. Think about how egotistical you need to be to start the season as QB, have your shoulder explode around week 2, not come back until the end, see your team go 1-15 and think “heh, nailed it.”

This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.

The brilliant Obama is setting up his idiot successor; he knows Trump will reverse his orders because he just can’t help himself, he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else and at this point, he thinks he can get away with anything, and he’ll end up proving once and for all that he’s a Manchurian Candidate.

It will force his hand. If he does reverse it then it will be obvious that is cares more about Putin’s fee fees than he does about the American democracy.