That… didn't happen, did it Danielle.
That… didn't happen, did it Danielle.
Excellent use of a brand new Disqus account.
You can practically hear the offensive, fake accent while reading this.
OK, I'll get to work on some factor trees, you let loose with the nasty language and low class cuss words.
"Welcome to the instant gratification society of the lowest common denominator and lack of care for foreign policy."
I'm not sure how committed you are to concern trolling. You kinda let it all hang out by the end.
Yes he is. No we shouldn't, because yes it did, no it didn't.
Pics? Asking for a friend.
Before this year, you'd have to throw her back. Now hook her, gut her, cook her, and eat her. It's all good.
No one is misunderstanding you this time.
I've run the numbers. The math checks out.
It's on me. I have fish pun blindness.
Gross! A girl!
He really rocked that clam shell bikini top.
I have it on very good authority that the plot of this movie is for the humans to build four farms and a barracks.
I believe he was contracted for four and has an option on the fifth. Something like right of first refusal. If he doesn't want to do it, he won't be in breach of contract. But it's his to turn down.
"This has nothing to do with fact versus fiction"
Good luck getting into space without zippers.
So, I'm trying to seriously wrap my brain around this. Other than following through with the promised boycott, the only "surprise" I can think of is that they are planning on picketing theaters. Ok, fine, that happens. Groups sometimes picket theaters. But the picketers can't block patrons who want to see the movie…