i’m 47 and drive a manual. My 19-year-old nephew drives a manual. All of my 40-ish female friends can drive a manual. And we live in New York. You need to get out more.
I live in NYC and I’ve only ever had manual transmission cars. In fact, just from a very unscientific constant strolling in the streets and looking at parked cars, 1 in 20 cars in NYC is a manual. And a lot of us in NYC are consistently having mind blowing casual sex so really not boring.
Thank god.
The article’s title is a tip for people like you, don’t read it.
Agree, we don’t need to vote. The market has spoken. Or in this case, not spoken or opened its wallet.
This makes my head hurt.
My friends and I call something a Crack Blast already but it involves hotter, less fresh air.
Look up sarcasm. I’m doing you a huge favor.
Good boy.
Small black plastic triangle is squaring off the bottom of the c-pillar so find the car with that.
The answer is always GTI. But what does the dog want?
Car commercial trope that is becoming common: People needing SUV’s to transport a cake and a few gift boxes across a few empty suburban streets. You can accomplish the same thing walking with a grocery cart.
If you’re going to go cheaper, go cheaper. Just get the base. I picked the silver to keep it a real sleeper. I only threw in 4WD because that’s just practical and useful. After having a 370 Z, I realize I don’t need over 300 hp but I do need the front wheels to be engaged sometimes. Shame about automatic only, it’s…
I was too vague. Tires plus rims.
Just a tire problem will cost you $4000, and it will happen soon. Then budget $12000 for a little of this and what not the first few years.
A 2015 grey Honda Accord EX V6 sedan. Under the radar, smooth, comfortable, happy. Automotive Xanax.
Hail damage on all the horizontal surfaces, sticky throttle and in general needs work all over… This is not crack, its Floridian bath salts.
The thing with a boring gray Chevy Celebrity is that it’s a 1987 or 88 Celebrity Eurosport, 3 or 4 years into the future.