
There’s just so much here. Part of the reason this situation feels so odd and unprecedented is because, as the letter alludes to, this is an extremely nuanced situation that is being handled in the court of public opinion- a court that is famously bad at handling nuance.

That period of Obi-Wan’s life is appealing because it ties into some very romanticised archetypes. As a society we have a strong attraction the outlaw, the exile, and the ronin. The idea that one of the greatest Jedi Masters survives the rise of the empire, and rises above it to become a kind of lone Gunslinger, out

Zartan reference?  Have a star!

Is The Chameleon really a menacing villain? What’s the point of his ability to look like someone else? It was cool in 1963, but today? Meh.

FOX execs would jack off Seth MacFarlane on screen at this point if he asked them to. I don’t think ratings have ever been FOX’s ultimate decider.

Fox trying to kill a good sci-fi show? Well that’s about the most absurd thing I’ve heard all day.

Watch Kristen Wiig leap into the air as Cheetah in a new set video.

The last episode, 4, let the slow burn turn into a 4 alarm fire. I was iffy on the show, but now I’m in.

Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.

My concern with this isn’t that I don’t believe Chloe Dykstra, because I absolutely do. My concern is the destructive ramifications of this level of retribution.

Eh, it’s not like she was just some random broke farmgirl from Iowa looking for help or her big break in the bright lights of Hollywood. She has a pedigree here.

so basically they’re both whack jobs and both sound vindictive and neither can be fully believed.

Rumple was one of big reasons I quit watching the show a few years ago. Robert Carlyle is fantastic and entertaining to watch, especially when he was evil but the character overstayed his welcome. They really should have killed him off much earlier, but the writers didn’t want to. For ultimate big bads you either have

They will all wake up next to Bob Newheart and we will realize Thanos was all a dream.

That’s insane. What kind of magical super-mcguffin could possible do that? I mean, it’s not like this all went down because of the Magical McGuffin Mitten in the first place ;)

Guys, I think something happens in 4vengers that might bring back the Guardians, Spiderman, and Black Panther. I know, I know, that’s crazy talk but I just have this.. suspicion? Premonition? Gut feeling? Eh, maybe it’s just gas.

Can you really spoil a story from 1991? The fact that it’s a two-parter means this was obviously happening.

My biggest problem with the whole show is that everybody else has to act very stupidly for her to get away with half of what they let her get away with.

Dr. Smith, was by far, the worst aspect of the show in its entirety. Posey was amazing...and she sold -all- of it. But Dr. Smith as a character was abysmal. I hated every time she was on screen.

I’m betting the robot found its way to that alien ship through space flying and is following the Robinsons. There’s no way that’s the end of robot’s story.