
The typical blame for this sort of drop falls on the Twitch Prime subs which don’t auto-renew so they tend to fall off regularly rather than people deliberately unsubbing or regular subs coming to end of term. There were probably a smattering of those as well. Ninja did a lot of work to push Prime with his community

I love it and almost every character has an engaging storyline.

This is a microcosm of everything No Mans Sky. This game had so much hype and so much promise but Hello Games failed to deliver almost everything they promised. I had friends who were diehard fans and railed against anyone who had a bad word to say about the game even they have slowly dwindled from promoters to

I’ve worked in tech for 2 decades and back when I was in support I saw the same thing with female support engineers. People would ask for a male engineer... not just men...I had women who would refuse to work with other women. It sad that this sort of nonsense is still a think in 2017.

The NHL is the most tone deaf professional sports league in existance.

The radio announcer will be Ben Mordway.

The Belisle's are an amazing coaching liniage in RI. Mountie Pride.

The Belisle's are an amazing coaching liniage in RI. Mountie Pride.

This set off a fit of furious googling.

Poor bastard hasn't even been dead a month....

I agree. My GF and I were getting close to writing the show off but they have really found a good stride this season.

Same here. The trailer was good enough to open me to the possibility of this not sucking. It's a pretty great cast too.

Clark Kent just wore glasses.

Also note, Christmas is mentioned for the third episode in a row.

You sir Kick Ass. You made a Pats fan a little bit of a Vikings fan for the season.