
I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with this guy. 

My favorite Elwayism in this article:

Garett Bolles on his struggling GM John Elway: Does he know what a talented QB is?

...and want to read the complete works of Shakespeare.

Happens to the best.

Now in GIF form!

“ It’s like claiming he’s never seen a spoon used for anything other than cereal.”

He’s been thinking football 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for 60 years.

just because his school had a scandal that didn’t involve him at all

It’s bad enough that JoePa didn’t say anything during all the 10,000 hours Sandusky was raping children, but has anyone noticed how he’s been totally silent on the issue for the last 68,000 hours as well?

Burn. The. Witch.

I have dropped the people’s elbow on fools more their I care to remember. After a while it’s like routine. People look at you funny but they are just getting in line.

I’m getting pretty sick of the characterization of millenials as this weak generation that you can just smack around in the stands of the colliseum as if people born in the 970s or the 980s were SO much tougher. Pretty sure Rome get sacked by Visigoths YEARS before millenials were even born and let's be honest there

I don’t think so. In the linked ESPN article, it’s implied that these proposals that the board of governors will consider originated with the league and his quotes have more context.

See this needs to be the key distinction. No one thinks that the Browns or Lions were trying to lose. Oh no, they were trying to win and still went 0-16. That takes a far more convincing degree of bad. Having the head coach in on it and running vanilla stuff that opposing teams can spot, limiting what’s installed

She has the range