
It’s from her complaint. So, her lawyer’s/hers. paragraph 45

I want to believe that extends to actual dolphins.

The closest minor league park (single A Lakewood) to me offers $5 general admission tickets. Children five and under do not require tickets. On Sundays and Mondays, kids eat for free. Parking is $5. So when I take my kids, 5 and 7, to a game, I pay $10 for 2 tickets and $5 for parking. Once we get inside the

People who complain about “we” fans are the worst. Your take is 75 years old, and yet everybody acts as if they’re in his prime George Carlin when they fire off the O RLY? burn.

Or, maybe people say “we” in reference to the team being a representation of the area where they live? I would say that the majority of the people who use “we” are not doing so with the idea that they are apart of the team, like fucking Seahawks 12th man fans. So no, the worst fans are the ones who say “oh, you’re on

Guaranteed his wife found those pictures on his phone and he was caught so he said “I was just showing everyone how ...bad...those swimsuits are!”

Don’t stop here you fool! THIS IS 🦇 COUNTRY!!!”

NBC (unless other networks picked it up too). They started doing that shit last year where they just made the field between the line of scrimmage and first down dark green. Surprise! Grass also happens to be green...

It’s amazing how much you miss that line when you go to an actual game....

Yes, I think they are instead going with the “Darker shade of Green” between the line of scrimmage and the first down marker. Why must the constantly try to fix things that aren’t broken?

Barstow, on the edge of the desert

Look for The Patriots to exploit this loophole.

Your whole thread is gold right here lol make love to his wife I died....some people can’t take a joke and if you are serious that makes it even better hahaaa

I just got whistled for a foul on Wade, and he’s retired and I live thousands of miles away from him. Also I wasn’t playing basketball 

Nooooo i just posted that to him and scrolled down to see you did it already. Ffffffuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk

- ...Aaaand. OH! He tosses Bruce! He just tossed Bruce out of the comments! Let’s look at that again, because I didn’t see what could have caused such a quick trigger byHungry...

For I am a jealous god, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.

Are you eight years old? 

Will trade prayers for some acknowledgment of the shadiness that went on in the ‘06 Finals

Too bad you’re not an NFL ref assigned to Miami games. You could eject everybody good on the other team. Still might lose, though...