
He’s perfectly serviceable, as you say. But can we just leave it at that? Per 36, his productivity is essentially identical to J.J. Barea’s. That’s decent, but he’s playing overseas, like a lot of guys do when they can’t start in the NBA. It’s no cause for an elegy of what might have been, especially when what was

Similarly I wish you would just shut up already. 

Rob Gronkowski says he couldn’t sleep for weeks after a fairly routine hit in the Super Bowl

No problem!

“I haven’t felt normal in a long time. I don’t [remember] normal. I’m not saying that I feel bad. You think the way you feel is normal, and it’s not. I can be better than this. If I get to the goal that I set, I’ll be behind the plate.” 

That bag knows what it did.

Nobody can play the game without needing it at some atomic level, because so much of it is about denying that you actually hate a lot of it but can’t give it up.

Why does every WYTS have a Pats fan in the comments that somehow makes it about them?  Extra points for squeezing in the number of Super Bowls they have in the last several years.  WE KNOW DUDE, WE ALL KNOW, JUST LET US HAVE ONE FUCKING BLOG WHERE WE CAN FOCUS ON SOMEONE ELSE

How dare you call us “Marks” and “Humps”! We are “Rubes” thank you very much!

Indiana is full of hateful racist backwoods losers yet somehow produced Kurt Vonnegut. It’s like his very existence used up the states entire allotment of decency for all eternity. 

This Luck retirement is basically the end of Good Will Hunting. True fans of Andrew, the person, always hoped he wouldn’t be there someday because he made it out. Godspeed, Andrew.

You have to take the gags out of their mouths.

You better watch your mouth, or I will down some tallboys and come to your office to make gentle puns about your name.

The Hong Kong Open Society

I was sitting in the right field stands at Nats park back when he was playing for the Cardinals. The stadium was quiet because it had been a fairly uneventful game, and I’d had a lot to drink, so I decided to heckle him.

Given Howard’s history of flatulence, there will be a whiff of a problem.

...he’s with the Clippers.  They keep waiving players who have signaled their intention to sign with the Lakers, Jerry’s in-house rivals.  I didn’t think I had to explain it.

Ha, I joked a few days ago that the only way the Lakers should take Dwight back was on a week to week contract. This is basically a week to week contract.

You have talked me off a ledge as a Lakers fan sir, thank you.